B.Sc.New Syllabus 2022
B. Sc. Part – I Semester –I
Theory: 30 hrs. (37.5 lectures of 48 minutes)
Marks -50 (Credits: 02)
Unit 1:
KingdomProtista (3hrs.)
General characters and classification up to classes; Locomotory organelles and locomotion in
PhylumPorifera (3hrs.)
General characters and classification up to classes; Canal System in Sycon
PhylumCnidaria (3hrs.)
General characters and classification up to classes; Polymorphism in Hydrozoa
PhylumPlatyhelminthes (3hrs.)
General characters and classification up to classes; Life history of Taenia soliumand
its parasitic adaptations
PhylumNemathelminthes (3hrs.)
General characters and classification up to classes; Life history of Ascaris lumbricoides
and its parasitic adaptations
Unit 2:
PhylumAnnelida (3hrs.)
General characters and classification up to classes; Metamerism in Annelida
PhylumArthropoda (5hrs.)
General characters and classification up to classes; Vision in Arthropoda, Metamorphosis
PhylumMollusca (3hrs.)
General characters and classification up to classes; Torsion in gastropods
PhylumEchinodermata (4hrs.)
General characters and classification up to classes; Water-vascular system in Asteroidea
Total Periods – 30 hrs
B. Sc. Part – I Semester –I
DSC – 16 A (Cell Biology and Evolutionary Biology)
Theory: 30 hrs. (37.5 lectures of 48 minutes)
Marks-50 (Credits: 02)
Cellstructure- (2hrs.)
Cell theory and diversity in cell size and shape
Structure ofnucleus– (2hrs.)
Nucleus with reference to Nuclear membrane, Nucleoplasm, Chromatin
and nucleolus.
Structure ofChromosome- (3hrs.)
With reference to Morphology and organization (Nucleosome), Polytene Chromosomes
Ultra structure and functions ofthefollowing (8 hrs.)
Plasma membrane (Fluid Mosaic Model)
Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi complex
Unit 2:
HistoryofLife (2hrs.)
Major Events in History of Life : Introduction to theories of origin of life, study
of theory of chemical evolution.
Introduction toEvolutionaryTheories (5hrs.)
Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism
Direct EvidencesofEvolution (4hrs.)
Types of fossils, formation of fossils, dating of fossils
Extinction (4hrs.)
Mass extinction (Causes, Names of five major extinctions, K-T extinction in detail), Role of
extinction in evolution
Total Periods – 30 hrs
B. Sc. Part – I Semester –II
DSC – 15 B (Animal Diversity and Insect Vector)
Theory: 30 hrs. (37.5 lectures of 48 minutes)
Marks-50 (Credits: 02)
Animal Diversity and Insect Vectors
Unit: IAnimalDiversity (16 hrs)
Type Study: Rat (Rattus rattus) (Physiology is not expected)
Systematic position, Habit andHabitat
Respiratory System
Circulatory System (Composition of Blood andHeart)
Excretory System
Brain forRat
Unit: II : Insect Vectors
1. Mosquito as aninsect vector (8hrs)
Mosquito born diseases with respect to causal organism, life cycle and symptoms
a. Malaria
b. Dengue
c. Chikungunya
f. Control Measures of mosquitoes
2. Housefly as an importantmechanicalvector (2 hrs)
Housefly born diseases with respect to Causal organism, life cycle, symptoms
a. Myiasis
b. Control Measure of housefly
3. Flea as aninsect vector (4 hrs)
Flea born diseases with respect to Causal organism, life cycle and symptoms
a. Plague
b. Typhus fever
c. Control offleas
Total Periods – 30 hrs
B. Sc. Part – I Semester –II
DSC – 16 B (Genetics)
Theory: 30 hrs. (37.5 lectures of 48 minutes)
Marks-50 (Credits: 02)
Unit: 1
IntroductiontoGenetics (3hrs.)
Mendel’s work on transmission of traits, Genetic Variations, Molecular basis of Genetic
Mendelian and postMendelianGenetics (8hrs.)
Principles of Inheritance, Incomplete dominance and co-dominance, gene interaction,
Linkage,CrossingOver (4hrs.)
Linkage and process of crossing over, Coupling and repulsion theory, Cytological evidence
of crossing over.
Unit 2:
Mutations (8hrs.)
Chromosomal Mutations: Deletion, Duplication, Inversion, Translocation, Aneuploidy and
Polyploidy, induced gene mutation.
SexDetermination (7hrs.)
Chromosomal theory, Genic balance theory, Haploidy-Diploidy mechanism, Environmental
Total Periods – 30 hrs
B. Sc. Part – I
Marks -50 (Credits: 02)
(DSC– 15A,B and 16 A,B:
i. Study of Amoeba, Euglena, Plasmodium, Paramecium, w.r.t. classification andlocomotion
ii. Study of Sycon, Hyalonema, and Euplectella, Obelia, Physalia, Aurelia, Tubipora, Metridium, Taenia
Limulus, Palamnaeus, Scolopendra, Julus, Periplaneta, Apis, Chiton, Dentalium, Pila, Unio, Loligo, Sepia,
Octopus, Pentaceros, Ophiura, Echinus, Cucumariaand Antedon, w.r.t. classification and morphological
2. Study of thefollowing:
i. T.S. or L.S. ofSycon,
ii. LifehistoryTaeniaandAscarisandtheirparasiticadaptations.
3. Preparation of haemincrystals
4. Study Tour: Visit to any suitable place to study animal diversity or any place related to theory syllabus
and submission ofreport.
5. Preparation of blood smear and identification of ABO and Rh bloodgroups
6. CytologicalPreparations:
Mitochondria – Stained preparation of mitochondria from onion peeling / Hydrilla leaf / Oralmucosa by using
Janus Green -B.
Polytene Chromosomes – Stained preparation of polytene chromosome in Chironomous larva/Drosophila
7. Studyoffossilevidencesfromplastercastmodelsandpictures.
8. Demonstration of Rat tostudy,
Digestive system, Lungs, Heart, Kidney, Testis, Ovary and Brain ofRat
9. Study of Mendelian Inheritance and gene interactions (Non-Mendelian Inheritance) using suitable
examples. Minimum 10 Examples on: Monohybrid & Dihybrid ratio, Incomplete dominance, Codominance,
Multiple alleles, Sex linked inheritance, Linkage, Crossing over andGene interaction.
10. Study of following insect vectors through permanent slides orphotographs
1. Mosquito born diseases (Causal organism, symptoms and controlmeasures)
a. Malaria b. Dengue c.Chikungunya
2. Housefly born diseases (Causal organism, symptoms and controlmeasures)
a. Myiasis
3. Flea born diseases (Causal organism, symptoms and controlmeasures)
a. Plague b. Typhusfever
Nature of Theory Question Paper
B.Sc. I
Q.1 Ten multiple choice question (one mark each) 10
Q. 2 Attempt any two (Ten marks each) 20
Q.3 Attempt any four (five marks each) 20
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