
Showing posts from January, 2020

B.Sc.II Syllabus

B.Sc.II Syllabus CBCS 2019

Updated Faculty 2019-2020

Introduction:-                      Department of Zoology was started in Ajara mahavidyalaya,Ajara during the year 1993.This department has two classes B.Sc.I and B.Sc.II.department is affiliated to shivaji University Kolhapur. Staff:- 1.Dr.Ajagekar Vinayak vishnu. 2.Mr.Kanase Chetan Appaso. 3. Mr.Dhonukshe Yogesh Vijay. 4. Miss.Patil Tejshri A. 5.Mr.Kurane Vinayak P. 6.Mr.Jadhav Vishal V.

Study Tour Notice


B.Sc.II Semester IV Paper VII Notes

B. Sc. Part II Semester- IV ZOOLOGY    Paper-VII DSC-(REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY) Theory: 30 hrs. (37.5 lectures of 48 minutes) Marks-50 (Credits: 02) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit 1 Functional anatomy of female reproduction Outline and histological structure of female reproductive system in rat and human; Ovary: folliculogenesis, ovulation, corpus luteum formation and regression; Steroidogenesis and secretion of ovarian hormones; Reproductive cycles in human and their regulation, changes in the female tract; Ovum transport in the fallopian tubes; Sperm transport in the female tract, fertilization; Hormonal control of implantation; pregnancy diagnosis Hormonal regulation of gestation, , Lactation and its regulation. Unit 2 Functional anatomy of male reproduction Outline and histology of male reproductive system in human; Testis: Cellular functions, germ cell;...