
Showing posts from November, 2019

List of Reference Books

Department of Zoology List of Reference Books 1. Ruppert and Barnes, R.D. (2006). Invertebrate Zoology, VIII Edition. Holt             Saunders International Edition. 2 .Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P., Olive, P.J.W., Golding, D.W. and Spicer, J.I. (2002). 3. The Invertebrates: A New Synthesis, III Edition, Blackwell Science       Young, J. Z. (2004). The Life of Vertebrates. III Edition. Oxford university press. 4. Pough H. Vertebrate life, VIII Edition, Pearson International. 5 .Hall B.K. and Hallgrimsson B. (2008). Strickberger’s Evolution. IV Edition. Jones               and Bartlett Publishers Inc..Tortora, G.J. and Derrickson, B.H. (2009). 6. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, XII Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 7. Widmaier, E.P., Raff, H. and Strang, K.T. (2008) Vander’s Human Physiology, XI     ...